This directory is for PSIONICS collection of info obout the S3.
(All this is all sortof Shareware.)
These files are Copyright 1994 Clive Douglas Woon Feather. They may be
copied for personal use, and by sites which normally archive Psion 3
software or comp.sys.psion postings. They may not be published in any
other form.
You can obtain the latest version of the Psionics files at any
time from Clive's Infoserver. If you do not know how to do so,
send an email message to <>.
Parent Directory README 94/12/13 (1913) This file. agenda.fmt 94/01/21 (3784) Format of Agenda files. bitmap.fmt 94/10/24 (1077) Format of Bitmap files country.fmt 94/10/24 (3290) Format of Country information files dbf.fmt 94/10/24 (5122) Format and use of Data files devices 94/10/24 (25991) Device driver interfaces envvars 94/10/24 (812) Environment variables fileio 94/10/24 (12895) Filing system IO interfaces flash 94/10/24 (8852) Format of Flash SSD cards and ROMs font.fmt 94/10/24 (4395) Format of Font files intro 94/10/24 (7281) Introduction to the Psionics files kernel 94/10/24 (721) Kernel memory organisation locales 94/10/24 (846) Locale codes menuprob 94/10/24 (1862) Series 3s menu problem workaround process 94/10/24 (7254) Processes and their properties resource.fmt 94/10/24 (1413) Format of Resource files sound.fmt 94/10/24 (1476) Format of Sound files spr.fmt 94/10/24 (15551) Format of Spreadsheet files syscalls.1 94/10/24 (35141) System calls (part 1) syscalls.2 94/10/24 (34156) System calls (part 2) syscalls.3 94/10/24 (17690) System calls (part 3) syscalls.idx 94/10/24 (11138) Alphabetical index to system calls word.fmt 94/10/24 (8405) Format of Word files